CIMS Press Release

Unicorn 1800/Sharp – New ultra-high resolution AVI for advanced IC Substrates

CIMS is introducing its most advanced AVI system capable of scanning IC Substrates products down to 4 micron line/space. Unicorn 1800/Sharp represents the leading edge of technological development in motion, optics, illumination, image processing and algorithmics.

In order to ensure reliable scanning of such advanced IC Substrates, Unicorn 1800/Sharp is capable of reaching 1 micron optical pixel size resolution. It is also equipped with LiveFocus™, the real time object-to-optics tracking device that enables system’s high resolution optics to always stay within the extremely narrow depth-of-field. These innovations allow Unicorn 1800/Sharp to achieve stable acquisition of high quality image ensuring unparallel detection capabilities coupled with very low false alarms rate.

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